Tag Archives: global change research

Living Lab of Global Change Research

The rationale for launching the Living Lab of Global Change Research stems from the pressures emerging from large-scale societal challenges that transcend boundaries of traditional academic fields. There is a need to understand interlinked, large-scale changes in environment and societies which cannot be studied solely from a perspective of one discipline. For example, the changes in climate, biodiversity, agriculture and energy are interlinked, which calls for collaboration between researchers in human and natural sciences.


The Living Lab of Global Change Research was chosen as a pilot initiative for the PE2020 project in order to deliberate on the possibilities to support and strengthen multi- and interdisciplinary, multi-actor research collaboration related to solving societal challenges, and to elaborate on the possibilities how intermediary organisations may strengthen inter- and multidisciplinary and multi-actor collaboration and support the continuity of living labs.

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Future Earth Finland Living lab event discussed the challenges of sustainable urbanization

Urbanization is a global megatrend and, in the future, the majority of people will live in cities also in Finland. In September 2015, Future Earth Finland gathered an extensive group of experts from different backgrounds to discuss the challenges of sustainable urbanization. The event was part of the “Living lab network for global change research” run by Future Earth Finland. Future Earth Finland is a pilot project of PE2020.

Changes in nature and societies are interlinked

The day started with a talk by professor Markku Kulmala, a renowned climate scientist and the Chair of Future Earth Finland. Kulmala stated that if we want to tackle the grand challenges of our lifetime, we must grasp the big picture of the dynamic interactions between nature and societies.


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First global change Townhall meeting

hereIn May 2015, Future Earth Finland organised together with the PE2020 project a Townhall meeting to discuss research priorities related to global change in Finland. The first Future Earth Finland Townhall meeting gathered over 60 participants from different fields of science from universities and research institutes, and included stakeholders from ministries, private companies, interest group organizations, and NGOs.

The objective of the workshop was to gain deeper understanding of global challenges in Finland and especially to increase the knowledge and collaboration to influence research agendas and research funding at the national level. Take a look at the post of the Future Earth Finland presenting the main results of the first global change Townhall meeting: Future Earth Finland blog.

Kuva FES blogin alusta

The efforts to deepen the understanding of the research needs related to global change problemmatic will continue in form of series of Future Earth Townhall meetings. The next will be organised in Tampere, Finland, in September. The focus of the second Townhall meeting will be to continue with the topic that was found important in the first meeting: sustainable cities. You can find more information here (in Finnish language).

Future Earth Townhall Meeting

Participatory workshop to map out key priorities in global change research
26 May 2015, Eurooppasali (Malminkatu 16, Helsinki), 8:30-13:00


Achieving sustainability in a world subject to global change requires understanding the links among environmental and societal change. Challenges related to resilience, governance models, resource efficiency, technology, business, trade, equity, and poverty are interlinked: a change in one component will cascade to many others.

Creating solutions that will lead to sustainability requires establishing a new interaction and partnership culture between researchers and society. Solutions-oriented global change research requires joint framing and co-design of research between producers and end-users of scientific knowledge. Picture of FE Townhall meeting Continue reading Future Earth Townhall Meeting