Tag Archives: responsiveness

European Conference: Engaging Society in Responsible Research and Innovation: What’s Next?

The PE2020 consortium took part in a two-day conference Engaging Society in Responsible Research and Innovation: What’s Next? which took place 9th – 10th November 2015 in Brussels and was organised by the Engage2020 project (http://www.engage2020.eu).

Mikko at Engage2020)

The future of the European science and technology field depends on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Wider engagement with European citizens, stakeholders and users is a crucial part of this emerging landscape. Regardless of what role you play in research and innovation in the future you will need to consider how societal actors can work with you to address societal challenges.
Continue reading European Conference: Engaging Society in Responsible Research and Innovation: What’s Next?

PE2020 project consortium in Vilnius, Lithuania

The PE2020 project consortium got together in the beautiful capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, November 2-3, 2015. It was great to see the partners again especially as the project has reached a very exciting phase! Workpackage 2 is finalizing its work on the conceptual model of PE across the dynamically governed research policy cycle and related participatory performance factors. We are very glad to be able to soon publish the new conceptual model designed by the consortium! So stay toned!


Photo by Evaldas Liutkus, © Creative commons, Flickr.com

Please find here the first policy brief of the project that is aimed at introducing the reader to the aims of the PE2020 project and to the work done so far. There, we also shortly present our initial ideas of the core factors that enhance the factors for successful PE related to the quality of governance and research, as well as to better interaction and communication. These are transparency, balanced inclusion and improvement of policies in terms of effectiveness and responsiveness.


Pros and Cons for Public Engagement

Currently, we are finalising the report related to enhancing and hindering factors for public engagement (PE) combining dynamically governed research policy cycle and participatory performance model. Within the frame of literature review and survey analysis, we identified driving forces and barriers to get people engaged in science and research policy.

Picture1 for D2.2.

As a result, we collected a list of core enhancing factors for successful PE, which is related to quality of governance and research, better interaction and communication: 1) transparency; 2) balanced inclusion; and 3) improvement of policies (effectiveness & responsiveness). Moreover, PE is more successful when it is repeated, i.e. it helps to reorient public towards self-organisation and create overall dynamics. Despite promising keywords for the success of PE, inevitably, we are faced with barriers such as passivity and fatigue of lay people to get engaged. Continue reading Pros and Cons for Public Engagement