PE2020-Consortium meeting in Aarhus, Denmark, January the 28th-30th, 2015

The PE2020-consortium was happy to meet each other for a consortium meeting in the land of thousand wind mills, Denmark. The University of Aarhus hospitably took us under its wings and offered us a peaceful and beautiful place for a couple of day’s intensive work. All consortium partners were present and we even could enjoy the company of two of our SAB-members and with third replaced by a colleague. So, all was set for a successful and productive meeting – which it also turned out to be.
Aarhus konsortiokokous3

 The consortium and the members of the SAB found that the work done in all work packages is proceeding nicely. The timely issues in Aarhus were the finalization of the catalogue of innovative public engagement cases, for which the consortium has contacted the coordinators of over 60 projects and received thorough and highly interesting information related to their projects. The PE2020 consortium warmly thanks these supporters! Other timely issues were conceptualising a conceptual model for PE across the research policy cycle and designing initial ideas for PE pilots that will be organised during 2015.

In the picture from left are Saule, Loretta, Maria, Mikko, Edward, Susanne and Tine. Not in the picture are Niels, Martin, Luciano, Timo and Fabio.

We were all glad to have made such a good process but especially to have had the opportunity to see each other again and spend a few very productive days together. The next time we will meet in Vilnius in June so stay toned!

– Kaisa –